My name is Marcel Bückner.

I am a contemporary artist, director and creative technologist working at the intersection of installation art, sculpture, film, theater and performance. By superimposing image, light, sound and code, I am investigating poetic forms of expression in space. I am interested in exploring different atmospheric and perceptual concepts and the tension between organic and artificial complexity and aesthetics. In my artistic work I stage encounters as immersive imagination and experimental experience through speculative simulations, augmented animations and field recordings. This approach leads to site-specific narratives, algorithmic environments, performances and artifacts.

My projects have been internationally exhibited and repeatedly honoured.

My work is often based on interdisciplinary collaborations with musicians, writers, performers and scientists. I do creative and technical direction, sometimes curating and lecturing. I am co-founder of the collective art studio Xenorama.

Feel free to contact me for collaboration or consulting.

This website shows only a selection of my work.